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8 800 551 02 09

Program Description
MyTramis is a fundamentally new approach to the provision of information about logistics processes

TRAMIS aims to be as efficient as possible. This includes not only the guarantee of delivery time and safety of goods, a high level of service and the reasonableness of logistics solutions, but also the maximum convenience for our customers, saving their time and efforts.

Logistics must be simple and effective and work for the benefit of your business. To bring this principle to life, in 2011 we started developing myTRAMIS Online program.

This program is a fundamentally new approach to the provision of information about logistics processes. We were the first to gather all necessary cargo documentation and information on cargo movement in one place. Our task was to automate all processes that require attention concentration and interaction of many divisions, taking a lot of time and efforts.

We tried to make myTRAMIS program as simple as possible and user-friendly so that the exchange of information within the company among the persons responsible for the cargo at one or another stage, as well as among TRAMIS and its customers, could be most efficient, fast and error-free.

We have managed to develop a unique, one-of-a-kind online program myTRAMIS for two years.

What Are the Advantages?
Online 24/7
the cargo is monitored online at all stage 24 hours a day.
Time Compensation
The program compensates for possible losses of time due to the cargo traffic control.
The program increases the performance from an 8-hour working day of a 5-day working week to the format of 24/7/365.
Access to Information
It provides access to the information on the movement of your cargo anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.
The program ensures the relevance of information on the availability of all necessary documents - bills of lading, packing lists, telex releases, certificates, etc.
Distribution of Rates
It automatically sends the rates, so you can make your own calculations on the most important routes.
Error Exception
The program eliminates errors and inaccuracies in the information exchange.
History of Operations
The program collects the history of financial transactions in one place and in a visual form.
Elimination of Risks
It eliminates the risks of the human factor.
The program increases 10 times the efficiency of managers. One manager monitored 20 containers without the program, while using the program one manager can monitor 200 containers at the same time.
Information Protection
It protects information by using the latest cloud technologies and legal principles of the countries where the data centers are located.